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12 Simple Exam Study Tips for Online Courses


Why Establish Exam and Study Tips?

Exams are a part of any course, whether in person or online, and provide students with an opportunity to showcase their knowledge and application skills in any given area of expertise. Similarly, to how exam formats vary from multiple choice, to fill in the blanks, or written paragraphs, study skills to prepare for an exam also differ.


Each person has unique ways of processing information and recalling important details. Understanding your specific learning style can aid in making study time more successful and rewarding instead of something to dread.


In this post, twelve different exam tips will be provided and explained in detail to help anyone studying for their online course. Remember this list is not exhaustive and it can be tailored to meet your learning and lifestyle needs.


Understanding Your Learning Style

There are three types of common learning styles that include auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Each of the exam tips will also list the learning style most associated with the study skill.

An auditory learner is someone who processes information more easily when it’s read aloud, repeated, part of a video, or in a discussion-based group.

A visual learner is someone who relies on sight to store information in their memory through tutorials, pictures, graphs, or articles.

A kinesthetic learner prefers to be in motion while learning, whether through performing a physical activity, doing a hands-on experiment, or taking notes.


Auditory Exam and Study Tips

  1. Listen to your online textbook—this method is a great resource for those who need to hear someone else repeat the information they are studying. This can even be combined with a kinesthetic learning style by taking a walk or using the treadmill at the gym!
  2. Watch videos on the exam topic—Not only will you get to hear someone else teach the information, it’s a great way to combine a visual learning style by watching the content.
  3. Have a study buddy—whether your spouse, child, or someone else who’s taking the class that you can connect with, it is an asset to get someone else’s take on the study material. You can do this in person, or online via a video platform like Zoom.
  4. On exam day, find a quiet atmosphere to take your test. Avoid loud fans, coffee shops where the espresso machine is whirring, and away from large crowds where the volume level of talking will be higher. This will allow your brain to focus on the information presented in the exam so you can think clearly about what you studied and complete the test to the best of your ability.


Visual Exam and Study Tips

  1. Use pictures or graphs—This is a great way to see the content reiterated in a different mode. Bonus points if you take time to create the graphs yourself to help solidify the details.
  2. Watch videos—Tutorials or visual lessons are a helpful way to go in depth about the topic that will be presented on the exam. You can also take notes on the presentation to refer to later.
  3. Use color coding—This technique allows you to highlight key terms in your online textbook or write down significant points. You can also use this method for color-coding a graph. Colors are a great way to break down complex thoughts into simpler, main points.
  4. On exam day, find a clean and tidy spot that is familiar to you and not overstimulating or distracting. This could mean avoiding spaces with lots of knick-knacks or where the clean clothes bin is that still need folding.


Kinesthetic Exam and Study Tips

  1. Take notes on a white board or in a notebook—the motion of writing what is learned is a great way to solidify information. To incorporate auditory learning, teach the study material to yourself by explaining it out loud as you write.
  2. Get outside—Not only is the fresh air beneficial, but doing some form of physical activity while studying will help stimulate blood flow to keep you alert. One example is stating a definition with its associated term and shooting basketball hoops each time you get the answer right.
  3. Create a mnemonic device—if there’s lots of little details to remember, it can be helpful to create a song, phrase, or even a dance to help you remember the important details! It will keep your brain active and your body moving while you learn.
  4. On exam day, have two or three exercises you can perform while completing the test. This could include calf raises while seated or flexing your wrists. The increased blood flow could aid in alertness.


There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to exam tips so it’s important to find what works for you. Remember, even though the class is online, there are still instructors who are willing to discuss the course material, study strategies, and more with you so that you can succeed in your career goals.


To learn more about the online career courses offered at Blackstone Career Institute, contact a student advisor today.


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Written by Laura Conaway

Laura Conaway is a former middle school teacher-librarian turned author who writes for a variety of publications in the educational sector and mainstream narrative writing field. She graduated with a Library Science B.S.Ed. and a Professional Writing minor from Kutztown University and enjoys learning new knowledge and staying current on educational best practices. When she’s not writing, she enjoys adventuring outdoors, serving in the community, and playing her violin and guitar.