Tips, and resource blogs for BCI career center.

6 Organizations to Join as a Paralegal to Boost Your Career

6 Organizations to Join as a Paralegal to Boost Your Career

6 Organizations to Join as a Paralegal to Boost Your Career Many professionals looking to propel their careers to the next level join professional organizations to help them do so. Professional organizations provide great opportunities for networking and career advancement. Paralegals are a perfect example of one career field that can benefit greatly from joining…

The Unexpected Ways Professional Organizations Can Boost Your Confidence and Career

The Unexpected Ways Professional Organizations Can Boost Your Confidence and Career

The Unexpected Ways Professional Organizations Can Boost Your Confidence and Career Whether you are a student in training or already working in your chosen area, there is an important way to jumpstart your career: membership in a professional organization. Joining a professional organization can improve connections with others working in the same field, enhance a…


4 Best Ways to Professionally Network and the Evolution of Networking

4 Best Ways to Professionally Network and the Evolution of Networking Like just about everything else in the world, professional networking has changed drastically since the turn of the century. The advent of the Internet and the subsequent onset of social media altered the way that humans connect with one another. Since professional networking is…