How Can Certification Take Control of Your Career?

How Can Certification Take Control of Your Career?

How Can Certification Take Control of Your Career? Job postings can be confusing, especially with educational requirements. The cut-and-dry “Bachelor’s Degree Required” line makes sense, but “Certification Suggested” or “Advised” can cause some hesitancy. Sure, “suggested” is just friendly encouragement, but this passive-aggressive workplace nudge towards certification is more important than you think. Certain certificates…

3 Organizations That Lead to Paralegal Certification

3 Organizations That Lead to Paralegal Certification

3 Organizations That Lead to Paralegal Certification Paralegal certification is an important career decision that should not be taken lightly. Although it is not a mandatory requirement, every paralegal should consider the process as self-development and professional expertise make it worthwhile. Let’s explore the process. Obtaining Paralegal Certification Paralegal certification can be obtained in three…

3 Trends That Are Reshaping Legal Employment

3 Trends That Are Reshaping Legal Employment

3 Trends That Are Reshaping Legal Employment The legal industry continues to grow, a sign of promise for those interested in a career change. New workers face numerous opportunities, as firms and large-scale corporations increase their staffing numbers. The biggest challenge facing these businesses, however, is attracting and retaining associates in a competitive market. Employee…