
4 Ways Education Can Help Overcome Barriers and Avoid Recidivism

4 Ways Education Can Help Overcome Barriers and Avoid Recidivism Education is part of society’s opportunity to encourage growth among individuals as they learn, collaborate, and prepare to make contributions to further the communities around them. From grade school through post-graduate programs, there are a plethora of opportunities to advance knowledge in various fields. Some…


Transitioning from Military Service and How to Leverage Your Resources

Transitioning from Military Service and How to Leverage Your Resources For many military personnel, transitioning from service to a civilian career is a challenging and sometimes overwhelming experience. There are numerous factors to consider, from adjusting to a new lifestyle and work environment to finding the right career path that aligns with your skills and…


4 Best Ways to Professionally Network and the Evolution of Networking

4 Best Ways to Professionally Network and the Evolution of Networking Like just about everything else in the world, professional networking has changed drastically since the turn of the century. The advent of the Internet and the subsequent onset of social media altered the way that humans connect with one another. Since professional networking is…
