This bundle includes resources, practice exams, and test vouchers for the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) Certified Paralegal (CP®) exam. Test yourself on a range of topics, including civil litigation, contracts, criminal law, and more.
1. NALA Student Membership
Utilization and Compensation Report
Facts & Findings (NALA’s quarterly magazine) 1 year subscription
NALA Career Center
2. CP® Exam Prep Materials
CP® Review Course Bundle (10 CP® review courses)
CP® Practice Exam
NALA CP® Fundamentals Book
3. CP® Exam Voucher Package
Application Fee/Voucher
Knowledge Exam Testing Center Fee
Skills Exam Testing Center Fee
Valid for one year from date of purchase.
*To confirm you’re eligible, you’ll need your student ID number to purchase this bundle.
There’s a wide range of requirements that paralegals and legal assistants must meet to maintain their certification. Blackstone’s Ethics for Paralegals course provides 5 hours of CLEs for NALA and NALS-certified paralegals required to meet the legal ethics requirement for recertification. This fully online, self-paced course discusses ethical issues important for paralegals such as the unauthorized practice of law, ethical walls, fidiciary duty, and rules of confidentiality. Additional information about paralegal certification and licensing is also included.
Covers principles and practice of family law, including topics currently under debate, premarital agreements, annulment, spousal support, child custody and more.
This text presents a thorough picture of the litigation process from the first encounter with the client through all the steps of the trial. Includes examples of motions, pleadings, and discovery requests.
Teaches ways of improving arguments; addresses litigation and technical writing in all its forms. Includes examples of effective (and ineffective) real-life writing.
Explains bankruptcy cases from the perspective of the debtor, trustee, and creditor. Covers special rules and procedures that must be followed in each case from commencement to closing.
Provides a great orientation to the subject and a review of the sources of property law, trusts and taxes. Learn the intricacies of estate planning with consistent scenarios woven throughout the text.
An overview of tort law with a focus on the paralegal’s role in tort litigation. Learn about the concept of torts, the elements of negligence, medical malpractice, intentional torts and Workers’ Compensation.
Covers recording / describing property, transference of title, elements of real estate contracts, title insurance and title examinations, the closing process, mortgages, deeds, and basic landlord / tenant law.
Uses powerful stories, poems, and cartoons created by inmates and others to address the realities of penal existence and show inmates how to truly make their time count, give meaning to their lives right now, while making amends for their crimes and working toward release.
We’re proud to be on a National list of military friendly schools. Blackstone Career Institute accepts and works with the following military benefits/organizations:
Post 9-11 G.I. Bill®–Covers entire course tuition, dependent upon benefit level
You can use your military benefits to enroll in our Correspondence Paralegal Program for Inmates.
Simply click here to receive further information about enrolling using your benefits.