Study TipsBlogeffective at home study tips

Tips for Studying at Home Effectively

Studying from home can be less than motivating at times, especially when nearly everything is done virtually and independently. Yet, there are some creative ways to develop a study space that meets your needs as a learner and will help you succeed in your educational and career goals.

Making Your Study Space

The first step is to find a space in your home that provides a place with no distractions. Make sure it’s separate from other areas of your house as well. For example, don’t study on the couch where you normally watch TV or on your bed where you sleep. These spaces could trigger your brain to associate what you plan as study time as time to relax, unwind, or sleep.

Once you’ve found your unique study space, make it cozy and comfortable!

When the state of Pennsylvania was shut down, Blackstone’s staff was working from home and we each created a personalized workspace while challenging our students to participate in a social media contest of the best home work space, too! Check out what one of our Student Representatives did to make her space inviting and fun here.

How To Discipline Yourself To Study Well

Once you’ve made your space yours, you’ll need to discipline yourself in other areas.

Make sure your study space is tidy.
Tidiness is essential to staying organized, remembering information, and not falling behind on assignments. Having your materials organized will make it easier to find information, look back at notes, and not forget important concepts. If you find yourself constantly distracted by other thoughts while trying to focus on studying, you may just need to get all of those thoughts out of your head. Try grabbing a scrap piece of paper and do a “brain dump.” Write out all the thoughts that keep crossing your mind, the things your mind keeps wandering to, write out a list of the things you want to do once you finish studying for the day, etc. Sometimes, a “brain dump” is all you need in order to refocus. Your study space should be cleared physically but also mentally.

Setting aside a specific time of day to study.
Are you a night owl or a morning person? Do you get a burst of energy midafternoon? Knowing your body and when you are most alert will be beneficial in choosing a time to study so you are more productive and focused! Furthermore, managing your time when studying will prove helpful in doing well on exams and remembering information. Rather than memorizing information, take the time to retain it and apply it. Perhaps you choose to set aside 45 minutes to study and then you get up for a break. Some helpful activities to do during your break can be to walk around, grab a snack, or check your phone. Whatever it is, stick to the plan you create.

Ask for assistance.
If you come across something you don’t understand while studying, make a note of it. Gaining clarification and knowing the correct information is key to doing well on the exam and applying what you have learned. This is also important when you aren’t sitting in a classroom or in direct communication consistently with the professor or other students.

Recharge After Studying

As important as studying is, don’t forget to get up and move around. Physical activity helps stimulate the brain, keep you alert, stay healthy, and release those endorphins. Make sure to eat well, too. Don’t skip meals, drink lots of water, and have healthy snacks that will sustain you and provide the necessary nutrients your body needs.
Socialize with others, perhaps over a meal or reviewing study material.
And at the end of the day, get a good night’s sleep so you’re prepared to tackle and accomplish your studying the next day.

Now that you have a few effective at home study tips, let us know which ones you like the most or want to implement more often. Happy studying and best of luck in your courses.


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