BlogStudent LifeHow to Stay Motivated as an Online Student

How to Stay Motivated as an Online Student

Staying motivated—it’s a challenge for all of us whether it involves household tasks, work projects, or completing coursework to reach continuing education or career goals. Continuing to keep your motivation level up as an online student can be difficult at times, but there are several strategies you can employ. However, before learning tips to stay motivated, it helps to have an understanding of what drives motivated behavior.

The Psychology of Motivation

According to an article in Psychology Today, “Motivation is one of the driving forces behind human behavior.”

There are two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is just as it sounds and comes from within you to act without expecting an external reward. This type of motivation is when you are internally motivated to do something that is personally satisfying without any deadline or pressure. An example would be deciding to take a daily walk to enjoy nature.

In contrast, extrinsic motivation is when you act or behave to obtain a reward or to avoid punishment. An example would be working to be given a paycheck, raise, or company perks.

Zawn Villines on Medical News Today notes that some academics have suggested a third type of motivation called achievement motivation, and she states “According to this concept, intrinsic motivation means that a person likes the task. Achievement motivation means that they like achieving goals.” Rather than doing a task for the mere enjoyment of it or for external rewards, this type of motivation is based on deriving pleasure from the accomplishment of a task. If you like to feel productive by checking boxes off your daily to-do list, you may be experiencing achievement motivation.

When it comes to being an online student, staying motivated can comprise all these types of motivations. Your decision to become an online student may have been motivated by a personal interest in a healthcare career (intrinsic). Completing coursework on time may be motivated by your desire to avoid paying a course extension fee (extrinsic). Also, even if you don’t enjoy school, you may want to achieve your goal of acquiring a certificate or diploma in your chosen field to feel a sense of accomplishment (achievement).

The Challenge of Staying Motivated

Staying motivated as an online student requires strategies and a plan of action to be successful.

Owen Daugherty wrote that a 2020 survey during the COVID-19 pandemic found that “76% of all undergraduates surveyed identified the lack of motivation for online learning as the biggest obstacle and 56% of graduate and professional students felt the same way. Other leading obstacles students reported included lack of interaction with other students, inability to effectively learn in an online format, and distracting home environments or lack of access to suitable study spaces.”

Strategies to Stay Motivated

These obstacles can still exist today, but there are strategies to improve motivation as an online student.

  • Student Support: Since online courses can be socially isolating, find out if the school provides a way to connect with other students. Is there an online discussion board? How available is the faculty to provide support and answer questions that you might have?
  • Envision the Outcome: Decide what skills you already have and what area ignites your interests and passion. Keep focusing on why you enrolled in the program in the first place and what you hope to accomplish. How is completing the online coursework going to benefit you?
  • Dedicate an Area for Study: You can set aside a designated space in your home, stay organized, and schedule a specific time for study.
  • Set Small Goals: Making short-term, achievable goals such as completing one project or reading an assigned chapter can help prevent coursework from seeming overwhelming.
  • Keep Work/Study/Life Balance: Be sure to set aside study breaks. Reward yourself along the way. You can plan a vacation, exercise routinely, eat healthy foods, get enough rest, and make time for enjoyment with friends and family. Your commitment to establishing balance in your career and student life can develop resilience, make your time at work and school more enjoyable, and help you stay motivated as an online student.
  • Rest: Understanding that rest is a priority will help you to manage work-related or student-in-training stress and help you to stay motivated. Make sure to intentionally plan for time away from your studies and make personal time for yourself.

Blackstone Career Institute Values Student Success

Blackstone Career Institute offers online certificate courses, career training programs, and continuing education courses, and your success is our goal! To help balance your schedule and stay motivated as an online student, check out our blog article with six tips on how to succeed academically as a busy student. Incorporating a plan of action can help you feel a sense of accomplishment and contribute to your success.


Written by Jo Gambosi

bio of blogger Jo for Blackstone Career Institute

Disclaimer: Blackstone Career Institute, an accredited school, cannot guarantee employment, job promotion prospects, or income increases.