WIOA Benefits Available Funding - Up to $4,000
WIOA Benefits Available Funding - Up to $4,000
The Department of Labor and Department of Education created Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to help remove barriers for those looking for meaningful careers. The WIOA program helps job seekers acquire industry-recognized credentials for in-demand jobs and provides the opportunity to leave the cycle of unemployment and underemployement into long-lasting careers.


You’re eligible to apply for a WIOA Program if:
Age 18 and older (Proof of High School Diploma or Equivalent required)
Low income or eligible for government benefits
Dislocated workers (Plant/factory closures, layoffs, homemaker that lost primary income)
Terminated or laid off, OR received notice of termination/layoff AND is eligible for or has exhausted entitlement to unemployment compensation; OR is employed at a facility in which the employer has announced the facility will close w/in 180 days
Self-employed individuals that are unemployed (Farmers, ranchers, and fisherman who are unemployed due to economic conditions or natural disaster)


Once you have enrolled in one of BCI’s WIOA Approved career programs, contact your local workforce center “Career Counselor” who will help you through the process and answer your questions regarding available funding for your Blackstone program and the enrollment process/requirements.

Click link to access an interactive page where you can look up your Workforce Center in your area and view their contact information.


Enroll in one of our WIOA approved career programs.


Complete your coursework.


Start your new career!
Excited to use WIOA benefits to improve their career


Imagine the opportunities and potential that comes with expanding your knowledge and expertise in a field that aligns with your career goals.

WIOA programs are high demand career fields with faster than average growth projected over the next 10 years. Our career programs focus on entry-level fields and prepare students to sit for national certifications. WIOA funding provides access to these growing industries with no out of pocket costs.

Explore career possibilities that enhance your skillset and interests. WIOA establishes a priority requirement with respect to funds allocated to a local area for adult employment and training activities. Contact Blackstone Career Institute to speak to one of our trained WIOA admissions advisors at 800-826-9228 ext 222 or book an appointment here.
To find out more about the WIOA program and training, review the Eligibility and Qualifying criteria or apply for funding you will need to do so through your local Workforce Center. Click to learn more about WIOA Training and answer a few questions to determine if you are eligible.


The Department of Labor and Department of Education created Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to help remove barriers for those looking for meaningful careers. The WIOA program helps job seekers acquire industry-recognized credentials for in-demand jobs and provides the opportunity to leave the cycle of unemployment into long-lasting careers.

To find out more about the WIOA program and training, review the Eligibility and Qualifying criteria or apply for funding you will need to do so through your local Workforce Center. Click on the link to learn more about WIOA Training and answer a few questions to determine if you are eligible.  https://www.benefits.gov/benefit/87#Eligibility_Checker

This depends on a few factors – including what state/region you live in, how much funding is allocated to your American Job Center (AJC). Typically, 4,000 – BCI’s tuition is well below that threshold.

Choose the career you’re interested in, complete the enrollment agreement, check WIOA funding, and submit. Our academic advisors will be in touch to review next steps.

If you want to get in touch email us at info@blackstone.edu, call us at 800-826-9228 ext 222 or book an appointment here.

The student has 12 months from the start date to complete the program.